Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hippies and Healthcare

Does America need some better health care? This has been a debate going back and forth between Dems and Reps for years. I don't claim to be hard core dedicated to any side, but let me tell speak from the mind of someone facing surgery in 10 hours. I have been having some minor yet uncomfortable health issues since August. It seems to be one thing after another, Scar Tissue removed, MRSA, Cysts removed, and now a gall bladder removal. Last year I paid over $10,000 in medical bills for just me. That's not including my insurance premium, any of mine or my children's medications, the various trips to Riley, or specialty items for my children's health. I see a light at the end of my tunnel for this round but who knows where its going to go from there! Do we need some form of National Health Care? You bet your ass we do! I very easily spent my entire years pay on medical related expenses within the last year. I understand Drs and Nurses and hospital staff need to be paid for their skill and talent, but surely something can be figured out to save us from having to go bankrupt to get healthy. Its no wonder costs get so high. People wait until they are on deaths door before they go to a dr and by that point lots of tests and procedures are usually performed and often extensive treatments follow. If we could even have some sort of free preventative care I think it would help tremendously. An oz of prevention is better than a pound of cure. If we could stop things when they are small, it would save lives and money! We wouldn't have to pay the extensive bills of fighting something that was beyond the first treatable stages. That's just my ranting and raving soapbox style...mostly because I am facing a surgery that I am sure is going to cost me another few $1,000 again this year...sigh oh well, tax deduction I guess.

That is kind of a segway into my other topic. I think that along with everyone being able to get health care, I think everyone should love one another and get along. It has come to my attention that my thoughts and ideas seem to be like those of the Hippies of the 60's minus the free sex part. I really believe in the deepest core of my being that everyone should love and be shown love from everyone else. While this thought of a great utopia is admittedly unrealistic, I can still hope and try everything in my power to make my small little world a little happier and let everyone I come in contact with feel that they are wanted and loved. The downfall to this way of thinking is that it leaves your heart open to being hurt. Not everyone is open to this idea and sometimes people think there are ulterior motives as to why someone would show someone else affection or concern even if they didn't know each other very well. With me, the only ulterior motive I have is that I just want everyone to get along. But mostly I want everyone to know that no matter how bad it seems, how alone they think they are, or how hated they may feel, someone wants them in their life, someone loves them, and someone is there to help them make it better...Even if it is someone they just met, someone they have known for a few years or someone they have known their whole life. Everyone deserves that feeling of belonging and love. Call me an old hippie, but what is wrong with loving everyone and wanting everyone to be friends? I don't think its wrong at all. I think more people could benefit from thinking this way!

If we could pay our bills with thank yous and love and affection, we would be a richer nation! Call me a hippie, I don't mind! Love is always free and everyone could always use more of it!