Saturday, October 8, 2011

My bid to run for President

I am running for President. I seriously should. I couldn't possibly be any worse than what we have! And there so dirt they could dig up on me that I couldn't turn around and ask the nation if they cant relate. I've been jokingly saying I was going to run for some time now. It was mostly between me and my uncle. Today after reading the newspaper inadvertently, I have decided that maybe I should get involved in politics. I don't generally read the newspaper and watch a minuscule amount of the news. It just infuriates me to much to see how negative reporting has become. Makes me wonder if that's part of why there seems to be so much negativity going on anymore. But that's another post for another time.
This morning I read that a couple was trying to trade their baby for drugs. Children are my passion. They are our future and so reading this angered me beyond anger. When did children become a pawn in a game? But what angered me more than the parents actions was the immediate thought that that poor child will be put in foster care while the system drags out everything and some 2-3 years later, after this child has bonded with its foster parents, would be returned to its druggie parents. It will all be over some failure to file a correct document, or because the parents attended some classes, or simply because a judge feels like it that day. I use to think that no person in their right mind would give these kinds of parents their children back, but after volunteering to be a child advocate for the last 5 1/2 years I realize how flawed and retarded our system has become. I have seen a baby come into the foster home at 9 months old with broken bones and a fractured skull. I have seen this baby be loved and cared for for 3 years by foster parents that want to keep him forever. I have seen the system give the abusive parents chance after chance. After 3 years I have seen this child go back to the abusive home he came from as a broken and battered infant. I've seen babies born premature addicted to drugs and have the case worker make comments that the foster parents cant ask for him to be treated as a special needs because they will remove him and put him with fosters that wont ask that. I've seen a child get hit, slammed into a wall and told every day how stupid they are and have report after report filed with child services only to be told that the child has a roof over their head, clothes on their back and food to eat and no showing marks so that child gets to stay in a home where she is being brought up to believe she is worthless and fat and where she is being taught to manipulate people to get what she wants. I could list a dozen or more cases of the system failing children. Our current system is all about money and power and NOT about the welfare of the children.
I became a child advocate in the hopes that I could save some children from some of the things I had encountered as a child. I was young and thought I could really do some good. I was really thinking that with some help and some guidance the parents could get off drugs and would realize the wonderful thing they had in front of them. As it stands now, every case I have ever had, the parents are to damn selfish to realize the wonderful miracle that has been given to them. What happened to parents wanting better for their children? When did getting stoned or laid a better option than cuddling on the couch with your sweet child? When did it became ok for parents to take out their frustrations on their children in a violent manner. To me, these judges returning these children to these environments is just perpetuating the cycle of selfish behaviour. I understand that the judges get a short amount of time with the cases and have to rely on what they are told, but somewhere there needs to be a connection to each case.
So, I am seriously considering doing some political work to try and get a few things changed in regards to our children. Think about it...Our children will be the ones taking care of us one day. They will be the ones in the medical fields, they will be the ones serving us food at restaurants, they will be the ones teaching our children. Do we really want a nation of children that are raised thinking its ok to be selfish, its ok to do drugs, its ok to hit our children (and adults). There are so many things I want to see made better. Maybe I should run for president. I couldn't be any worse than the options we have in front of us anyway, and I think its time this country is run by a mom that clips coupons, can get her kids to their sports while still working a full time job, volunteering, and running a home. Why on earth do we continue to let men be the head of the house when we all know that its the woman that truly runs things?

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